If you want to collaborate with your colleagues on a proposal, you can use this tab to view and manage which colleague participates in this proposal with which rights.
Add Team Member
To add a colleague to the proposal, please follow these steps:
- Click on "Add New Team Member" on the left.
- Search for the respective colleague and select them.
- Assign a role to the colleague.
- Add the colleague.
Editing Team Members
You can edit existing team members, meaning you can change their role or remove them from the project.
To remove a member from the project, click on the trash bin icon next to the corresponding member.
To edit a member's role, click on the pencil icon and then modify the roles.
Role Management
In a proposal, there are four role types, each with different permissions. Here's an overview:
Authors can modify content and provide evaluations.
Contributors can modify content but cannot provide evaluations.
Evaluators can provide evaluations but cannot modify project content.
Viewers can only view the project and cannot make any changes.