After registering on Prospeum and agreeing to participate in one of the tenders through the platform, you will be redirected to the tender space.
On the tender space you will find all the relevant information about a project. Here you can prepare an offer, manage your team, interact with suppliers among other things.
The project space is separate in tabs with different functions:
- Submission: Within the submission table, you'll gain an overview of the activities required for your proposal, alongside the current status of your submission.
- Team: Here you can invite colleagues to help you edit the project. Depending on the role that you assign to each one, they will have early access to the project.
- Roadmap: The roadmap provides a detailed overview of the project's phases, delineating the current stage of development. Each phase serves a distinct purpose, enabling tailored actions based on the project's progression.
- Statement of work: Here you will find all the information about the project and additional documents that you can download.
- Questionnaire: Within the questionnaire tab, you'll discover the questions to be answered for participation in the project. As a supplier, you are able to answer the questionnaire when the project is in the submission phase.
- Bid Table: Here, you can furnish specific details pertinent to your proposal, encompassing prices, quantities, technical specifications, terms and conditions, and any other requirements as per your client's request. As a supplier, you're only able to submit your offer when the project is in the submission phase.
In the project space you can also find the following widgets:
- TASKS: Here, you can assign and manage tasks for yourself or your team. The red counter above the widget shows you the number of your own open tasks.
- Q&A: Here, you have the opportunity to inquire about the project directly to the responsible team. For ongoing updates and discussions, navigate to the Q&A section by clicking on the red "Supplier Questions" button located at the top right corner of the page.
- LOGS: Here, you can track compliance-safe changes made to your bid by users.
- EMAILS: Here, you can set up email notifications for specific bid-related actions you want to be notified about.